Лучшее руководство по выбору маслозаполненных винтовых компрессоров


The oil-flooded rotary screw compressor selection guide provides a comprehensive resource for selecting the appropriate compressor for a specific application. By following the guidelines and recommendations in the selection guide, users can make an informed decision that considers their application’s unique requirements, resulting in a compressor that operates efficiently, reliably, and cost-effectively. Understanding the Basics […]

Ingersoll Rand помогает экологически чистому производству в электронной промышленности

Интегральная схема

As a world-renowned provider of critical business process creation and industrial solutions, Ingersoll Rand Group’s Ingersoll Rand brand oil-free compressed air systems, NASH brand liquid ring vacuum pumps, and Hoffman & Lamson brand multi-stage centrifugal fans provide innovatively designed total solutions for clean production in the electronics industry.

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